F&T Time with Kersten Gentle

Special Edition: The Ripple Effect of Devastating Floods

Kersten Gentle

In this special edition of F&T Time, we speak to FTMA Members, David & Mark Sly, Directors of Sly Bros who have been impacted by the recent flood disaster in South East Queensland and Northern NSW.

In the community of Woodburn alone, 95% of the residential and all businesses have been destroyed and they are not the only town in the area with sad statistics like this.

This catastrophic storm was not just a flood but a disaster for the entire Northern Rivers Region. 

In this episode we discuss what happened, what the real impact is and what must be done to ensure this flood doesn’t become a business, town and region ending event.

Eight employees of Sly Bros have lost everything as a result of the devastating floods. David and Mark have set up a GoFundMe for their eight employees. To donate to the Sly Bros employees directly, please use the link below.

 If you need someone to talk to, call:

·        Lifeline on 13 11 14

·        MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978

·        Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467

·        Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36

·        QLife on 1800 184 527