F&T Time with Kersten Gentle

Ep 7: Making Safety Personal

Kersten Gentle Season 1 Episode 7

October is National Safe Work Month—a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.

As FTMA honours National Safe Work Month, we are joined by AKD’s National Health & Safety Manager, Toni Kirkup, who’s passion for safety saw her receive the 2021 National Forests industries Innovation Health and Safety Award.

Toni explains how safety doesn’t just start or finish at the gate and, how we all have a collective and individual responsibility to create a safe work environment, so we can all leave after each shift.

Inspired by Toni Kirkup’s safety initiative, we are encouraging FTMA Members to make safety personal and hold a SafeTea this month to start the discussion about the importance of safety. Keep an eye out in your inbox for resources to help with this.

It's time to make safety personal.